Sunday, May 29, 2011

Peppers Are Planted!

Garden Friends,

The peppers have been planted.  There are 7 different varieties of sweet peppers and 3 varieties of hot peppers.  Please be aware of the tags.  The hot pepper are HOT and don't want to be accidently picked by one of our toddling children for a snack.  Now we just have to hope for some warm weather for a productive crop!

Happy gardening - The Allen Family

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Starting a Facebook Page

Is it silly to start a Facebook page for a garden? I've seen dogs with Facebook pages before. Surely a garden has something to say?
In the hopes that this step will make posting and learning about the garden that much easier for people, I'm going ahead with it.
Keep your eyes out and become a member!


Note from Alan...

I have decided to take a look at the produce list that people suggested 
that they would like to have in the garden, and plant some of those.  Some one has anonymously left a soil thermometer at my
door step (?????????). Thank you ! I have been checking the soil periodically, and it has stayed consistently around 55 degrees,
which indicates that broccoli, peas, celery, onions and cabbage are good to plant.  Also I would like to give a big shout out to Bob
and Ginger, two of our neighbors who have donated a huge amount of their personal time helping to keep our local Arbor Lodge
Park chemical free, which I know that many folks with children and dogs and all the ball teams that play there must appreciate.
One good way to show our appreciation, would be to show up one of the once a month Saturday's and help out.  They also graciously
showed up and helped out labor and their experience and valuable knowledge of gardening. Thanks so much Ginger and Bob for
all that give and do.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Black Plastic if You Please

Erin and I (Justin) have a bunch of black plastic for covering beds if anybody needs some. Also a bit of lime.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Prepped Beds and Snap Peas

Alan has kindly prepared all the beds for planting. He turned the soil and added a wheelbarrow full of compost as well as a bag of additional compost. They look great and are just waiting for some seeds & starts. Thanks, Alan!

Just planted 2 packets of Oregon sugar snap peas in the garden. You'll see the tomato cages in bed #4 waiting for pea vines to grow. So look forward to these treats in approximately 70 days!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lettuce take this advice

Here's some good advice Ginger gave me on growing lettuce:

Well, I am cautious in the early spring, but all my books and catalogs say it is fine to start lettuces right now.  Most state that a day temperature of 55 or higher is best for germination.  We are close to that now.  You risk freezing, but then just plant again. 
Here is some info and some varieties to try early.
Plant some now, wait 2 weeks, plant another row – so space some out and leave room for a few extra rows to be planted in 2 weeks, then 4.  That will give you harvest over the extended period of time.  You can keep planting lettuces up to day temps of about 80 – quite a while from now.  Dill can go in now too.
Things that can stand lower temps include:
Any Asian mix or just mizunas, pak choi’s
Cress – upland varieties – 35-40 days
Try mesclun mixes – good to eat in 21-25 days
A little slower are romaines, buttercrunch and bibb
If you grow something like oak leaf or most leaf lettuces you can cur and it usually will come again. 
A good rule is when a lettuce starts to bolt – eat it asap, but taste the leaves before preparing, some get bitter right when they start to bolt, some not until they flower.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Garden Meeting #2

Spring planting meeting TODAY at 4pm
Sunday, March 27th
Where: Alan's house (or the garden if it's not raining)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011